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Green Living

Writer's picture: Carissa DennisCarissa Dennis

I am a proud mother of 3, I have 2 sons and a daughter who are my everything. I have a wonderful supporting husband who puts up with all my brilliant ideas. We have not always lived a holistic lifestyle. My journey truly began when my youngest was diagnosed as moderately-severely autistic 7.5 years ago.

“he will always be with me” is all I could think about. It was time to focus on being a healthier person and living an all-round healthier lifestyle. It became crucial to try and live as long, as possible and I am not just talking about eating better. A clean diet is a great start when trying to live an all-natural lifestyle, but it is only the tip of the iceberg.

My Husband and I quit smoking, completely removed everything toxin from the house, from getting rid of the toxic shampoo, toothpaste, body wash, shaving cream, etc. in the bathroom to canola oil, plastic cups, and Teflon pans, in the kitchen. We did away with scented candles, air fresheners, and Febreze and basically, I was looking at the word fragrance like it said Cancer. Because its toxic.

Ditching our mainstream doctor and choosing a doctor with a holistic approach has been a life changing decision for all 5 of us. My special guy did not walk until he was 20 months old, did not make a lot of eye contact, drank from a bottle for years, spent the first 5 years nonverbal. Ultimately, this kept me home with him. I remember once we removed milk from his diet, and after an intense detox, he started speaking SENTENCES two weeks later.

This got me asking, Why?!

And the answer: Inflammation.

After being a stay at home mom for 5 years and finally having a verbal son, It was time for US BOTH to find ourselves. While he was off to start school and new adventures, I decided to launch Carissa’s Green Cleaning services. A residential and commercial Green cleaning company. Making homemade cleaners is i important to me because of all the greenwashing companies out there. Having references and reviews and a knowledge of toxins it took off!

With research, I learned that cleaning once a week with leading brand name cleaners was the equivalent of everyone in the house smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, and that became my biggest motivation to educate and serve the community in the best way I knew how. Remarkably, in just an 8 month span my business was nominated for Best of Toledo with The Toledo City Paper. Currently at a year and a half after launching, my business is thriving, I've added employees to keep up with the demand, and clients are breathing better while receiving a healthier cleaning experience.

Today, we live a green lifestyle, still making changes as we go because we are always learning. My Husband and I have official swapped roles and I would not change it for the world. I never imagined being scared to leave my son behind, would motivate me into building a successful business that will hopefully sustain him long after I am gone. It has also motivated me to launch a separate business teaching and educating the public about toxins. By going into homes and showing clients what is up to standard and what is not. What is harmful and the alternatives. The thought behind this is that I cannot be the only one that wants to live as long as possible and not sure where to start.

While making these switches is hard, its even harder to not think about the troubles my kids would have had, if I would not have been educated. This is why, I do what I do. After all, you know better, you do better, right? I am a proud hippie and thrilled to be apart of such an amazing holistic community.

Carissa Dennis

Carissa Green Cleaning



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